§ 7A-147. Specialized judgeships.
§ 7A‑147. Specialized judgeships.
(a) Prior to January 1 of each year in which elections fordistrict court judges are to be held, the Administrative Officer of the Courtsmay, with the approval of the chief district judge, designate one or morejudgeships in districts having three or more judgeships, as specializedjudgeships, naming in each case the specialty. Designations shall becomeeffective when filed with the State Board of Elections. Nominees for theposition or positions of specialist judge shall be made in the ensuing primaryand the position or positions shall be filled at the general electionthereafter. The State Board of Elections shall prepare primary and generalelection ballots to effectuate the purposes of this section.
(b) The designation of a specialized judgeship shall in no wayimpair the right of the chief district judge to arrange sessions for the trialof specialized cases and to assign any district judge to preside over thesesessions. A judge elected to a specialized judgeship has the same powers as aregular district judge.
(c) The policy of the State is to encourage specialization injuvenile cases by district court judges who are qualified by training andtemperament to be effective in relating to youth and in the use of appropriatecommunity resources to meet their needs. The Administrative Office of theCourts is therefore authorized to encourage judges who hear juvenile cases tosecure appropriate training whether or not they were elected to a specializedjudgeship as provided herein. Such training shall be provided within the fundsavailable to the Administrative Office of the Courts for such training, andjudges attending such training shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistenceexpenses at the same rate as is applicable to other State employees.
The Administrative Office of the Courts shall develop a plan whereby adistrict court judge may be better qualified to hear juvenile cases by reasonof training, experience, and demonstrated ability. Any district court judge whocompletes the training under this plan shall receive a certificate to thiseffect from the Administrative Office of the Courts. In districts where thereis a district court judge who has completed this training as herein provided,the chief district judge shall give due consideration in the assignment of suchcases where practical and feasible. (1965, c. 310, s. 1; 1975, c. 823; 1979, c. 622, s. 1.)