§ 7A-100. Election; term of office; oath; vacancy; office and office hours; appointment of acting clerk.
Article 12.
Clerk of Superior Court.
§ 7A‑100. Election; term of office; oath;vacancy; office and office hours; appointment of acting clerk.
(a) A clerk of the superior court for each county shall beelected by the qualified voters thereof, to hold office for a term of fouryears, in the manner prescribed by Chapter 163 of the General Statutes. Theclerk, before entering on the duties of his office, shall take the oath ofoffice prescribed by law. If the office of clerk of superior court becomesvacant otherwise than by the expiration of the term, or if the people fail toelect a clerk, the senior regular resident superior court judge for the countyshall fill the vacancy by appointment until an election can be regularly held.In cases of death or resignation of the clerk, the senior regular residentsuperior court judge, pending appointment of a successor clerk, may appoint anacting clerk of superior court for a period of not longer than 30 days.
(b) The county commissioners shall provide an office for theclerk in the courthouse or other suitable place in the county seat. The clerkshall observe such office hours and holidays as may be directed by theAdministrative Officer of the Courts. (Const., art. 4, ss. 16, 17, 29; C.C.P., ss. 139‑141; 1871‑72,c. 136; Code, ss. 74, 76, 78, 80, 114, 115; 1903, c. 467; Rev., ss. 890‑893,895, 909, 910; C.S., ss. 926, 930, 931, 945, 946; 1935, c. 348; 1939, c. 82;1941, c. 329; 1949, c. 122, ss. 1, 2; 1971, c. 363, s. 1; 1973, c. 240.)