§ 77-81. Creation of Commission authorized.

§ 77‑81.  Creation ofCommission authorized.

The Board of Commissioners ofthe Town of Lake Lure may by ordinance create the Lake Lure Marine Commission.The Board shall hold a public hearing on the ordinance to create theCommission. The location of the public hearing shall be determined by theBoards and established by resolution. The Board shall cause notice of thehearing to be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks in anewspaper of general circulation in Rutherford County. The notice shall bepublished the first time not less than 10 days nor more than 25 days before thedate fixed for the hearing. Upon its creation the Commission shall enjoy thepowers and have the duties and responsibilities conferred upon it by the LakeLure municipal ordinance, subject to the provisions of this Article and thelaws of the State of North Carolina. The provisions of any ordinance may bemodified, amended, or rescinded by a subsequent ordinance. (2003‑332, s. 1.)