§ 77-80. Definitions.
Article 6A.
Lake Lure MarineCommission.
§ 77‑80. Definitions.
For purposes of this Article:
(1) "Board"means the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lake Lure.
(2) "Commission"means the Lake Lure Marine Commission or its governing board, as the case maybe.
(3) "Commissioner"means a member of the governing board of the Lake Lure Marine Commission.
(4) Lake Lure Reservoir,known for purposes of this Article as "Lake Lure" or "the watersof Lake Lure", means the body of water along the Broad River in RutherfordCounty, impounded by the dam at Tumbling Shoals, and lying below the 995‑footcontour line above sea level.
(5) "Shorelinearea" means the area submerged by the dam at Tumbling Shoals, lying below955 feet above mean sea level of the normal full pond elevation of 992 feetabove mean sea level, on Lake Lure.
(6) "WildlifeCommission" means the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. (2003‑332, s. 1.)