§ 77-78. Enforcement.

§ 77‑78.  Enforcement.

(a)        Where a jointresolution so provides,  all law enforcement officers, or those officers as maybe designated in  the joint resolution, with territorial jurisdiction as to anypart of  Mountain Island Lake or its shoreline area shall, within thelimitations  of their subject matter jurisdiction, have the authority of peaceofficers  in enforcing the laws over all of Mountain Island Lake and itsshoreline  area.

(b)        Where a jointresolution provides it, the Commission  may hire special officers to patrol andenforce the laws on Mountain  Island Lake and its shoreline area.  Thesespecial officers have and  exercise all the powers of peace officers generallywithin the area in  question and shall take the oaths and be subject to all provisionsof law  relating to law enforcement officers.

(c)        Unless a jointresolution provides otherwise, all  courts in the three counties within thelimits of their subject matter  jurisdiction shall have concurrent jurisdictionas to all criminal  offenses arising within the boundaries of Mountain IslandLake and its  shoreline area.

(d)        Where a lawenforcement officer with jurisdiction  over any part of Mountain Island Lake orits shoreline area is performing  duties relating to the enforcement of thelaws on Mountain Island Lake or  in its shoreline area, the officer has theextraterritorial jurisdiction  necessary to perform his duties. These dutiesinclude investigation of  crimes an officer reasonably believes have been, orare about to be,  committed within the area in question.  This includestraversing by  reasonable routes from one portion of that area to anotheralthough across  territory not within the boundaries of Mountain Island Lakeand its  shoreline area; conducting prisoners in custody to court or detention facilities as authorized by law, although this may involve going outside  thearea in question; execution of process connected with any criminal  offensealleged to have been committed within the boundaries in question,  except that suchprocess may not be executed by virtue of this provision  beyond the boundariesof the three counties.  This also includes  continuing pursuit of and arrestingany violator or suspected violator as  to which grounds for arrest arose withinthe area in question.

(e)        Where lawenforcement officers are given additional  territorial jurisdiction under theprovisions of this section, this shall  be deemed an extension of the duties ofthe office held, and no officer  shall take any additional oath or title ofoffice.  (1997‑257, s. 9.)