§ 77-75. Powers of the Commission; administration and funding.

§77‑75.  Powers of the Commission; administration and funding.

(a)        Within the limitsof funds available to  it and subject to the provisions of this Article and ofany joint resolution,  the Commission may:

(1)        Hire and fix thecompensation of permanent and  temporary employees and staff as it may deemnecessary in carrying out its duties;

(2)        Contract withconsultants for services it  requires;

(3)        Contract with theState of North Carolina or the  federal government, or any agency ordepartment, or subdivision of them,  for property or services as may beprovided to or by these agencies and  carry out the provisions of thesecontracts;

(4)        Contract withpersons, firms, and corporations  generally as to all matters over which it hasa proper concern, and carry  out the provisions of contracts;

(5)        Lease, rent,purchase, or otherwise obtain  suitable quarters and office space for itsemployees and staff, and lease,  rent, purchase, or otherwise obtain furniture,fixtures, vessels,  vehicles, firearms, uniforms, and other supplies andequipment necessary  or desirable for carrying out the duties imposed in orunder the authority  of this Article; and

(6)        Lease, rent,purchase, construct, otherwise  obtain, maintain, operate, repair, and replace,either on its own or in  cooperation with other public or private agencies orindividuals, any of  the following: boat docks, navigation aids, waterwaymarkers, public  information signs and notices, and other items of real andpersonal  property designed to enhance public safety in Mountain Island Lakeand its  shoreline area, or protection of property in the shoreline areasubject  however to Chapter 113 of the General Statutes and rules promulgatedunder  that Chapter.

(b)        The Commission mayaccept, receive, and disburse in  furtherance of its functions any funds,grants, services, or property made  available by the federal government or itsagencies or subdivisions, by  the State of North Carolina or its agencies orsubdivisions, or by private  and civic sources.

(c)        The governingboards of the three counties may  appropriate funds to the Commission out ofsurplus funds or funds derived  from nontax sources.  They may appropriatefunds out of tax revenues and  may also levy annually property taxes for thepayments of such  appropriation as a special purpose, in addition to anyallowed by the  Constitution, or as provided by G.S. 153A‑149.

(d)        The Commissionshall be subject to those audit  requirements as may be specified in any jointresolution.

(e)        In carrying out itsduties and either in addition to  or in lieu of exercising various provisionsof the above authorization,  the Commission may, with the agreement of thegoverning board of the  county concerned, utilize personnel and property of orassign  responsibilities to any officer or employee of any of the threecounties.  Such contribution in kind, if substantial, may with the agreement ofthe  other two counties be deemed to substitute in whole or in part for the financial contribution required of that county in support of the  Commission.

(f)         Unless otherwisespecified by joint resolution, each  of the three counties shall annuallycontribute an equal financial  contribution to the Commission in an amountappropriate to support the  activities of the Commission in carrying out itsduties.   (1997‑257, s. 6.)