§ 77-3. Laid off in districts; passage for fish.

§77‑3.  Laid off in districts; passage for fish.

The board of countycommissioners may appoint commissioners to examine and lay off the rivers andcreeks in their county; and where the stream is a boundary between twocounties, may lay off the same on their side; in doing so they shall allowthree fourths for the owners of the streams for erecting slopes, dams andstands; and one‑fourth part, including the deepest part, they shall leaveopen for the passage of fish, marking and designating the same in the bestmanner they can; and if mills are built across such stream, and slopes may benecessary, the commissioners shall lay off such slopes, and determine thelength of time they shall be kept open; and such commissioners shall return totheir respective boards of county commissioners a plan of such slopes, dams,and other parts of streams viewed and surveyed. (1787, c. 272, s. 1; R.C., c.100, s. 5; Code, s. 3710; Rev., s. 5301; C.S., s. 7367.)