§ 75A-26. Local water safety committees.
§75A‑26. Local water safety committees.
(a) In order thatresponsible State and local officials may consult with an advisory body as tothe needs and desires of the public in matters of water recreation and safetyin various local waters, local authorities may sponsor local water safetycommittees. When a local government or two or more local governments actingjointly determine that the interests of the public would be served bysponsorship of a local water safety committee, such local government or governmentsmay sponsor a committee. As used in this section, the noun "sponsor"shall include a sponsoring local government or a sponsoring group of localgovernments acting jointly.
(b) Members of a localcommittee shall be selected by the sponsor to represent various viewpoints andinterests respecting water recreation and safety in the locality concerned. Themembership of the committee shall be not less than 15 nor more than 35, andmembers shall serve at the pleasure of the sponsor. Except where the chartergranted by the sponsor may make specific provision, the members of a localcommittee shall select their officers, determine the need for subcommittees (ifany), provide for times and places of regular meetings, and otherwise order theinternal organization and administration of the committee. Special meetings maybe held:
(1) Upon the call ofsuch officers or members of the local committee as may be specified in thecharter from the sponsor or the bylaws enacted by the committee.
(2) Upon the call of threemembers of the governing body or bodies of the sponsor.
(3) Upon the call of thechairman of the North Carolina Water Safety Committee.
(c) Where the sponsorfinds that an existing organization or committee is sufficiently broadly basedto represent the various community interests, it may sponsor (and at any timewithdraw sponsorship of) the activities of such organization or committeerelating to water recreation and safety in lieu of creating a separate localcommittee. In the event an existing organization or committee is sponsored, themembership restrictions of subsection (b) do not apply. The phrase "localcommittee" as used in this section shall include such sponsored existingorganizations and committees as well as separate committees.
(d) Except as indicatedbelow, members of a local committee shall serve without compensation from thesponsor. Public officers and employees who are acting within the scope andcourse of their employment, however, may receive such travel and subsistenceallowance as authorized by law when attending meetings, whether as members orobservers, or otherwise assisting or participating in the affairs of a localcommittee. Within the bounds set by governing provisions of the law generally,a sponsor may also provide administrative and staff services to a localcommittee and may underwrite or finance its projects which are carried out tothe benefit of water recreation and safety in the area concerned.
(e) At the time ofsponsorship, or withdrawal of sponsorship, of a local committee, the sponsorshall notify the following persons of the action taken:
(1) The chairman of theNorth Carolina Water Safety Committee.
(2) The ExecutiveDirector of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.
(f) All meetings ofseparately created local committees shall be open to the public. Where anexisting organization or committee has received sponsorship, all its meetingsdevoted to carrying out the advisory functions of a local committee shall beopen to the public.
(g) Members of a local committeeare under an obligation:
(1) To keep themselvesinformed as to problems of water recreation and safety in their area.
(2) To study suchproblems concerning water recreation and safety as may be referred to them bytheir sponsor or by the chairman of the North Carolina Water Safety Committee.
(3) To make reports fromtime to time, either on their own motion or in response to a request for astudy, on problems of water recreation and safety, and with suggestions forremedies where such are indicated and feasible. Such reports may be made to thesponsor, the chairman of the North Carolina Water Safety Committee, theExecutive Director of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, or anyother public or private person, agency, firm, corporation, or organization withthe power to effect improvements in the level of water recreation and safetyavailable to the public.
(4) To take part in and,where necessary, to help coordinate programs of public education in the fieldof water safety. (1969, c. 1093, s. 3.)