§ 74G-13. Penalties and enforcement.
§ 74G‑13. Penalties andenforcement.
(a) No private person,firm, association, or corporation, and no public institution, agency, or otherentity shall engage in, perform any services as, or in any way hold itself outas a campus police agency or engage in the recruitment or hiring of campuspolice officers without having first complied with the provisions of thisChapter. Any person, firm, association, or corporation or their agents andemployees violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of aClass 1 misdemeanor.
(b) The Campus PoliceProgram may apply in its own name to the superior court for an injunction toprevent any violation or threatened violation of this Chapter or a rule adoptedunder this Chapter, and the superior courts have jurisdiction to grant therequested relief, irrespective of whether or not criminal prosecution has beeninstituted or administrative sanctions imposed because of the violation. Thevenue for an action brought under this subsection shall be in any countyselected by the Attorney General.
(c) This section doesnot relieve a campus police agency from any civil liability for the acts of itscampus police officers in exercising or attempting to exercise the powersconferred by this Chapter. (2005‑231, s. 1.)