§ 70-37. Prohibited acts.
§70‑37. Prohibited acts.
(a) No person, unlessacting under the provisions of G.S. 130‑198 through G.S. 130‑201,shall:
(1) Knowingly acquireany human skeletal remains removed from unmarked burials in North Carolinaafter October 1, 1981, except in accordance with the provisions of thisArticle;
(2) Knowingly exhibit orsell any human skeletal remains acquired from unmarked burials in NorthCarolina; or
(3) Knowingly retainhuman skeletal remains acquired from unmarked burials in North Carolina afterOctober 1, 1981, for scientific analysis beyond a period of time provided forsuch analysis pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 70‑32, 70‑33 and70‑34, with the exception of those skeletal remains curated under theprovisions of G.S. 70‑35.
(b) Other provisions ofcriminal law concerning vandalism of unmarked human burials or human skeletalremains may be found in G.S. 14‑149. (1981, c. 853, s. 2.)