§ 66-280. Agreements between North Carolina and foreign governments to be filed.
Agreements Between NorthCarolina and Foreign Governments.
§ 66‑280. Agreementsbetween North Carolina and foreign governments to be filed.
(a) A copy of allexecuted memoranda of understanding and agreements of a noncommercial natureotherwise subject to disclosure under the public record laws of this State,entered into by the State of North Carolina, or any agency of the State, and aforeign government shall be filed by the State agency with the Secretary ofState.
(b) Notwithstandingsubsection (a) of this section, the validity or enforceability of any memorandaor agreement subject to this section shall not be affected by the failure tocomply with subsection (a) of this section. Documents required to be filed withthe Secretary of State under this section shall be indexed and made availableto the public in accordance with Chapter 132 of the General Statutes.
(c) For purposes ofthis section, "foreign government" means a foreign country'sgovernment that is recognized and accredited by the United States Department ofState, and includes governmental subdivisions of that country. For purposes ofthis section, "agency of the State" does not include publiceducational institutions with respect to their educational, research, or extensionactivities. (1999‑260, s. 1.)