§ 66-207. Rental car companies assist in publicizing law.
§ 66‑207. Rental carcompanies assist in publicizing law.
(a) A rental carcompany shall notify renters of the law requiring motorists to stop for and notpass stopped school buses that are properly marked and designated and that arereceiving or discharging passengers. The Division of Motor Vehicles shalldesign a written notification in English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanishand the notification shall be no more than one side of a page. The Division ofMotor Vehicles shall also develop a design for use on placards undersubdivisions (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section. The design may be used oradapted by the rental car company. The placards shall consist of the words"It is unlawful in North Carolina to pass a school bus that is stopped andreceiving or discharging passengers.", or a visual symbol indicatingpassing a stopped school bus is unlawful in North Carolina, or both. TheDivision of Motor Vehicles shall publish the written notification and thedesign for placards on the Internet and rental car companies shall obtain bothby downloading and printing them from that source.
(b) The notificationrequired under subsection (a) of this section may be made either:
(1) By handing eachrenter who presents an International Driver Permit with a copy of the writtennotification prepared by the Division of Motor Vehicles under subsection (a) ofthis section;
(2) If the rental carcompany operates airport shuttle buses to transport renters to pick upvehicles, by posting on each bus at least one placard containing a writtennotification or visual symbol, or both; or
(3) If the rental carcompany operates a counter at which renters pick up documentation, by postingon that counter or at a place easily visible from the counter at least oneplacard containing a written notification or visual symbol, or both.
Each placard that contains awritten notification shall provide that information in all the languages listedin subsection (a) of this section.
(c) There shall be nocivil or criminal liability in negligence nor shall an action under G.S. 66‑206apply for any car rental company that fails to provide the information or postthe placard required by this section. (2001‑331, s. 2.)