§ 66-202. Rental car advertising.
§ 66‑202. Rental caradvertising.
(a) Except as set forthin subsections (d) and (e) of this section and G.S. 66‑204(a), a rentalcar company shall only advertise and charge a rental rate that includes theentire amount, except taxes and a mileage charge, if any, that a renter mustpay to hire or lease a vehicle for the period of time to which the rental rateapplies.
(b) If a rental carcompany states a rental rate in a print advertisement or in an in‑personor computer‑transmitted quotation contained in the rental car company'sproprietary computer reservation system, the rental car company shall clearlydisclose or cause to be disclosed in that advertisement or quotation the termsof any mileage conditions relating to the advertised or quoted rental rate,including, but not limited to: To the extent applicable, the amount of mileageand fuel charges; the number of miles for which no charge will be imposed; anda description of the geographic driving limitations, if any, within the UnitedStates and Canada.
(c) A rental carcompany shall also include in all price advertising the daily rate it chargesfor collision damage waivers; shall state in such advertising that collisiondamage waivers are not required; and shall state that prospective rentersshould examine or inquire about their automobile insurance policies to seewhether such policies will cover damage to rental vehicles.
(d) For a rental ratestated in an advertisement, quotation, or reservation for an airport location,a rental car company shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the existence andactual amount of the airport charges or fees, if any. For a rental rate statedin an advertisement, quotation, or reservation involving more than one airportlocation, a rental car company shall clearly and conspicuously disclose theexistence and range of airport charges or fees, if any, or the maximum airportcharge or fee. A rental car company, in its discretion, may elect to separatevehicle license and registration fees from its rental rate. For a rental ratestated in an advertisement, quotation, or reservation with a separate vehiclelicense and registration fee, a rental company shall clearly and conspicuouslydisclose the existence and range of vehicle license and registration fees orthe maximum vehicle license and registration fee. For purposes of this section,advertisements shall include radio, television, other electronic media, andprint. For purposes of this section, quotations and reservations shall includein‑person or proprietary computer‑transmitted reservation systems.
(e) A rental carcompany shall clearly and conspicuously display the total estimated price, andthe amount of the airport charges or fees, if any, and vehicle license andregistration fees, if any, in any proprietary computer‑assistedreservation system, shown or referenced on the same page on the computer screenviewed by the renter as the displayed rental rate and in a print size notsmaller than the print size of the rental rate. When providing a renter aquotation of a rental rate in person or over a voice system, a rental carcompany shall inform the renter of the total estimated price, inclusive of alltaxes, fees, and charges, or shall disclose the amount of airport charges orfees, if any, and vehicle license and registration fees, if any. A rental carcompany shall separately identify the amount and existence of airport chargesor fees and vehicle license and registration fees on the rental agreement. (1989, c. 631, s. 2; c. 770,s. 62; 2001‑432, s. 1; 2007‑235, s. 2.)