§ 62A-47. PSAP Grant Account.

§ 62A‑47.  PSAP GrantAccount.

(a)        AccountEstablished. – A PSAP Grant Account is established within the 911 Fund for thepurpose of making grants to PSAPs in rural and other high‑cost areas. TheAccount consists of revenue allocated by the 911 Board under G.S. 62A‑45(c)and G.S. 62A‑46.

(b)        Application. – APSAP may apply to the 911 Board for a grant from the PSAP Grant Account. Anapplication must be submitted in the manner prescribed by the 911 Board. The911 Board may approve a grant application and enter into a grant agreement witha PSAP if it determines all of the following:

(1)        The costs estimatedin the application are reasonable and have been or will be incurred for thepurpose of promoting a cost‑effective and efficient 911 system.

(2)        The expenses to beincurred by the applicant are consistent with the 911 State Plan.

(3)        There are sufficientfunds available in the fiscal year in which the grant funds will bedistributed.

(4)        The costs areauthorized PSAP costs under G.S. 62A‑46(c).

(c)        Agreement. – Agrant agreement between the 911 Board and a PSAP must include the purpose ofthe grant, the time frame for implementing the project or program funded by thegrant, the amount of the grant, and a provision for repaying grant funds if thePSAP fails to comply with any of the terms of the grant. The amount of thegrant may vary among grantees. If the grant is intended to promote thedeployment of enhanced 911 service in a rural area of the State, the grantagreement must specify how the funds will assist with this goal. The 911 Boardmust publish one or more notices each fiscal year advertising the availabilityof grants from the PSAP Grant Account and detailing the application process,including the deadline for submitting applications, any required documentsspecifying costs, either incurred or anticipated, and evidence demonstratingthe need for the grant. Any grant funds awarded to PSAPs under this section arein addition to any funds reimbursed under G.S. 62A‑46. (2007‑383, s. 1(a).)