§ 62A-41. 911 Board.

§ 62A‑41.  911 Board.

(a)        Membership. – The911 Board is established in the Office of Information Technology Services. The911 Board consists of 17 members as follows:

(1)        Four membersappointed by the Governor as follows:

a.         An individual whorepresents municipalities appointed upon the recommendation of the NorthCarolina League of Municipalities.

b.         An individual whorepresents counties appointed upon the recommendation of the North CarolinaAssociation of County Commissioners.

c.         An individual whorepresents a VoIP provider.

d.         An individual whorepresents the North Carolina chapter of the National Emergency NumberAssociation (NENA).

(2)        Six membersappointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives as follows:

a.         An individual who isa sheriff.

b.         Two individuals whorepresent CMRS providers operating in North Carolina.

c.         An individual whorepresents the North Carolina chapter of the Association of Public SafetyCommunications Officials (APCO).

d.         Two individuals whorepresent local exchange carriers operating in North Carolina, one of whomrepresents a local exchange carrier with less than 50,000 access lines.

(3)        Six membersappointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President ProTempore of the Senate as follows:

a.         An individual who isa chief of police.

b.         Two individuals whorepresent CMRS providers operating in North Carolina.

c.         An individual whorepresents the North Carolina chapter of the National Emergency Number Association(NENA).

d.         Two individuals whorepresent local exchange carriers operating in North Carolina, one of whomrepresents a local exchange carrier with less than 200,000 access lines.

(4)        The State ChiefInformation Officer or the State Chief Information Officer's designee, whoserves as the chair.

(b)        Term. – A member'sterm is four years. Members remain in office until their successors areappointed and qualified. Vacancies are filled in the same manner as theoriginal appointment. The Governor may remove any member for misfeasance,malfeasance, or nonfeasance in accordance with G.S. 143B‑13(d).

(c)        Meetings. – Membersof the 911 Board serve without compensation. Members receive per diem,subsistence, and travel allowances at the rate established in G.S. 138‑5.A quorum of the 911 Board is nine members. The 911 Board meets upon the call ofthe chair.

(d)        Public Servants. – Themembers of the 911 Board are public servants under G.S. 138A‑3 and aresubject to the provisions of Chapter 138A of the General Statutes. (2007‑383, s. 1(a).)