§ 62-78. Proposed findings, briefs, exceptions, orders, expediting cases, and other procedure.
§ 62‑78. Proposedfindings, briefs, exceptions, orders, expediting cases, and other procedure.
(a) Prior to each decision or order by the Commission in aproceeding initially heard by it and prior to any recommended decision or orderof a panel of three commissioners, commissioner or examiner, the parties shallbe afforded an opportunity to submit, within the time prescribed by orderentered in the cause, unless further extended by order of the Commission, forthe consideration of the Commission, panel, commissioner or examiner, as thecase may be, proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and briefs or, inits discretion, oral arguments in lieu thereof.
(b) Within the time prescribed by the panel of threecommissioners, commissioner, or examiner, the parties shall be afforded anopportunity to file exceptions to the recommended decision or order and a briefin support thereof, provided the time so fixed shall be not less than 15 daysfrom the date of such recommended decision or order. The record shall show theruling upon each requested finding and conclusion or exception.
(c) In all proceedings in which a panel of three commissioners,commissioner or examiner has filed a report, recommended decision or order towhich exceptions have been filed, the Commission, before making its finaldecision or order, shall afford the party or parties an opportunity for oralargument. When no exceptions are filed within the time specified to arecommended decision or order, such recommended decision or order shall becomethe order of the Commission and shall immediately become effective unless theorder is stayed or postponed by the Commission; provided, the Commission may,on its own motion, review any such matter and take action thereon as ifexceptions thereto had been filed.
(d) When exceptions are filed, as herein provided, it shall bethe duty of the Commission to consider the same and if sufficient reasonappears therefor, to grant such review or make such order or hold or authorizesuch further hearing or proceeding as may be necessary or proper to carry outthe purposes of this Chapter. The Commission, after review, upon the wholerecord, or as supplemented by a further hearing, shall decide the matter incontroversy and make appropriate order or decision thereon.
(e) The Commission may expedite the hearing and decision of anycase if the public interest so requires by the use of pretrial conferences,daily transcripts of evidence, trial briefs, and prompt oral argument, and bygranting priority to the hearing and decision of such case. (1949, c. 989, s. 1; 1959, c. 639, s. 4; 1963, c.1165, s. 1; 1975, c. 243, ss. 9, 10; c. 867, s. 5.)