§ 62-265. Emergency operating authority.
§ 62‑265. Emergency operating authority.
To meet unforeseen emergencies, the Commission may, upon its owninitiative, or upon written request by any person, department or agency of theState, or of any county, city or town, with or without a hearing, grantappropriate authority to any owner of a duly licensed vehicle or vehicles,whether such owner holds a certificate or not, to transport passengers orhousehold goods between such points, or within such area during the period ofthe emergency and to the extent necessary to relieve the same, as theCommission may fix in its order granting such authority; provided, that unlessthe emergency is declared by the General Assembly or under its authority, theCommission shall find from such request, or from its own knowledge orconditions, that a real emergency exists and that relief to the extentauthorized in its order is immediate, pressing and necessary in the publicinterest, and that the carrier so authorized has the necessary equipment and iswilling to perform the emergency service as prescribed by the order. In allcases, under this section, the Commission shall first afford the holders ofcertificates operating in the territory affected an opportunity to render theemergency service. Upon the termination of the emergency, the operatingprivileges so granted shall automatically expire and the Commission shallforthwith withdraw all operating privileges granted to any person under thissection. (1947, c. 1008, s.17; 1949, c. 1132, s. 17; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1; 1995, c. 523, s. 20.)