§ 62-182. Acquisition of right-of-way by contract.
§ 62‑182. Acquisition of right‑of‑way by contract.
Such telegraph, telephone, or electric power or lighting company haspower to contract with any person or corporation, the owner of any lands or ofany franchise or easement therein, over which its lines are proposed to beerected, for the right‑of‑way for planting, repairing andpreservation of its poles or other property, and for the erection andoccupation of offices at suitable distances for the public accommodation. Thissection shall not be construed as requiring electric power or lightingcompanies to erect offices for public accommodation. (1874‑5, c. 203, s. 3; Code, s. 2008; 1899, c.64; 1903, c. 562, ss. 1, 2; Rev., s. 1572; C.S., s. 1697; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1.)