§ 58-87-1. Volunteer Fire Department Fund.
Article 87.
Volunteer Safety WorkersAssistance.
§ 58‑87‑1. Volunteer Fire Department Fund.
(a) Fund. TheVolunteer Fire Department Fund is created as an interest‑bearing,nonreverting fund in the Department to provide matching grants to volunteerfire departments to purchase equipment and make capital improvements. TheCommissioner shall administer the Fund. Up to two percent (2%) of the Fund maybe used for additional staff and resources to administer the Fund in eachfiscal year.
(a1) Grant Program. Aneligible fire department may apply to the Commissioner for a grant under thissection. In awarding grants under this section, the Commissioner must, to theextent possible, select applicants from all parts of the State based upon need.The Commissioner must award the grants on May 15 of each year subject to thefollowing limitations:
(1) The size of a grantmay not exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
(2) The applicant shallmatch the grant on a dollar‑for‑dollar basis.
(3) The grant may beused only for equipment purchases, payment of highway use taxes on thosepurchases, or capital expenditures necessary to provide fire protectionservices.
(4) An applicant mayreceive no more than one grant per fiscal year.
(b) Eligible FireDepartment. A fire department is eligible for a grant under this section ifit meets all of the conditions of this subsection. No fire department may bedeclared ineligible for a grant solely because it is classified as a municipalfire department.
(1) It serves a responsearea of 12,000 or less in population. In making the population determination,the Department must use the most recent annual population estimates certifiedby the State Budget Officer.
(2) It consists entirelyof volunteer members, with the exception that the unit may have paid members tofill the equivalent of six full‑time paid positions.
(3) It has beencertified by the Department of Insurance.
(c) Report. TheCommissioner must submit a written report to the General Assembly within 60days after the grants have been made. This report must contain the amount ofthe grant and the name of the recipient. (1987, c. 709, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1062,ss. 6‑9; 1989, c. 770, s. 30; 1995, c. 507, s. 7.21A(k); 1998‑212,s. 25(a); 1999‑319, s. 1; 2004‑203, s. 5(c); 2006‑196, s. 8;2007‑250, s. 3.)