§ 58-80-35. Acceptance by counties.
§58‑80‑35. Acceptance by counties.
Any county desiring to acceptthe benefits of this Article may do so by resolution of the board of countycommissioners. Any such county may thereupon make agreements and enter intocontracts with respect to payment for services rendered by the State VolunteerFire Department within its boundaries in the following manner:
The county may contract withany municipality which has accepted the terms of this Article, whether withinor without said county, to pay to such municipality an annual fee as aconsideration for the municipality providing equipment and carryingcompensation insurance which will enable it to respond to calls from within thecounty so contracting, and to pay an additional sum per truck for each mile traveledfrom the station house to the scene of the emergency, and to pay an additionalsum per truck per hour or fraction thereof for the use of its water or chemicalpumping equipment. Said sums shall be paid to the city within 30 days aftersuch services have been performed: Provided, that nothing in this section shallbe construed to prevent the county and municipality from adopting a differentschedule of fees in cases where those provided above shall be consideredexcessive or inadequate: Provided, that if the emergency shall occur within thelimits of another city or town, such city or town and not the county wherein itlies shall be responsible for the payments and shall assume all liabilities asprovided in this section. (1939, c. 364, s. 8; 1973, c. 803, s. 5.)