§ 58-78-5. State Fire and Rescue Commission - Powers and duties.
§58‑78‑5. State Fire and Rescue Commission Powers and duties.
(a) The Commissionshall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To formally adopt aState Fire Education and Training Plan, a State Master Plan for Fire Preventionand Control, a Rescue Training Plan, and a State Master Plan for RescueServices;
(2) To assist andparticipate with State and local fire prevention and control agencies in theimprovement of fire prevention and control in North Carolina and to work withState and local rescue agencies to improve rescue services in the State;
(3) To increase theprofessional skills of fire protection and fire‑fighting personnel andrescue personnel;
(4) To encourage publicsupport for fire prevention and control and rescue services;
(5) To accept gifts,bequests, devises, grants, matching funds, and other considerations fromprivate or governmental sources for use in promoting its work;
(6) To make grants foruse in pursuing its objectives, under such conditions as are deemed to benecessary and such other powers as may be necessary to carry out the State'sduties with respect to all grants to the State by the United States FireAdministration and the National Fire Academy; and all support programs broughtinto the State by these two entities shall be coordinated and controlled by theCommission;
(7) To make studies andrecommendations for the improvement of fire prevention and control and rescueservices in the State and to make studies and recommendations for thecoordination and implementation of effective fire prevention and control andrescue services and for effective fire prevention and control and rescueservices education;
(8) To set objectivesand priorities for the improvement of fire prevention and control and rescueservices throughout the State;
(9) To advise State andlocal interests of opportunities for securing federal assistance for fireprevention and control and rescue services and for improving fire preventionand control and rescue services administration and planning within the State ofNorth Carolina;
(10) To assist Stateagencies and institutions of local government and combinations thereof in thepreparation and processing of applications for financial aid and to supportfire prevention and control, rescue services, and planning and administration;
(11) To encourage andassist coordination at the federal, State and local government levels in thepreparation and implementation of fire prevention and control and rescueservices administrative improvements and crime reduction plans;
(12) To apply for,receive, disburse and audit the use of funds received from any public andprivate agencies and instrumentalities for fire prevention and control andrescue services, their administration and plans therefor;
(13) To enter intomonitoring and evaluating the results of contracts and agreements necessary orincidental to the discharge of its assigned responsibilities;
(14) To provide technicalassistance to State and local fire prevention and control and rescue agenciesin developing programs for improvement;
(14a) To serve as a centraloffice for the collection and dissemination of information relative to fireservice and rescue service activities and programs in State government. AllState government agencies conducting fire service and rescue service relatedprograms and activities shall report the status of these programs andactivities to the Commission on a quarterly basis and they shall also report tothe Commission any new programs or changes to existing programs as they areimplemented;
(14b) To establish voluntaryminimum professional qualifications for all levels of fire service and rescueservice personnel;
(14c) To prepare an annualreport to the Governor on its fire prevention and control activities and plans,rescue activities and plans, and to recommend legislation concerning fireprevention and control and rescue services;
(14d) To reimburse themembers of the Commission's certification board, in accordance with G.S. 138‑5,for travel and subsistence expenses incurred by them in their duties ascertification board officers; and
(15) To take such otheractions as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out its assignedduties and responsibilities.
(16) To provide workers'compensation benefits under G.S. 58‑87‑10, to create a VolunteerSafety Workers' Compensation Board to assist it in performing this duty, and toreimburse the members of the Commission's Volunteer Safety Workers'Compensation Board in accordance with G.S. 138‑5 for travel andsubsistence expenses incurred by them.
(b) Each State agencyinvolved in fire prevention and control or rescue related activities shallfurnish the executive director of the Commission such information as may berequired to carry out the intent of this section. (1977, c. 1064, s. 1; 1981,c. 791, ss. 3, 4; 1985, c. 757, s. 167(b); 1989, c. 750, s. 1; 1993, c. 321, s.41; 1995, c. 507, s. 7.21A(c).)