§ 58-50-280. Contract amendments.
§ 58‑50‑280. Contract amendments.
(a) A health benefitplan or insurer shall send any proposed contract amendment to the noticecontact of a health care provider pursuant to G.S. 58‑50‑275. Theproposed amendment shall be dated, labeled "Amendment," signed by thehealth benefit plan or insurer, and include an effective date for the proposedamendment.
(b) A health careprovider receiving a proposed amendment shall be given at least 60 days fromthe date of receipt to object to the proposed amendment. The proposed amendmentshall be effective upon the health care provider failing to object in writingwithin 60 days.
(c) If a health careprovider objects to a proposed amendment, then the proposed amendment is noteffective and the initiating health benefit plan or insurer shall be entitledto terminate the contract upon 60 days written notice to the health careprovider.
(d) Nothing in thisPart prohibits a health care provider and insurer from negotiating contractterms that provide for mutual consent to an amendment, a process for reachingmutual consent, or alternative notice contacts. (2009‑352, s. 1; 2009‑487,s. 2(c).)