§ 55B-14. Types of professional services.
§ 55B‑14. Types ofprofessional services.
(a) A professionalcorporation shall render only one specific type professional service, and suchservices as may be ancillary thereto, and shall not engage in any otherbusiness or profession; provided, however, such corporation may own real andpersonal property necessary or appropriate for rendering the type ofprofessional services it was organized to render and it may invest in realestate, mortgages, stocks, bonds, and any other type of investments.
(b) Notwithstandingsubsection (a) of this section, in the case of architectural, landscapearchitectural, engineering or land surveying, geological, and soil scienceservices, as defined in Chapters 83A, 89A, 89C, 89E, and 89F respectively, onecorporation may be authorized to provide such of these services where suchcorporation, and at least one corporate officer who is a stockholder thereof,is duly licensed by the licensing board of each such profession.
(c) A professionalcorporation may also be formed by and between or among:
(1) A licensedpsychologist and a physician practicing psychiatry to render psychotherapeuticand related services.
(2) Any combination of aregistered nurse, nurse practitioner, certified clinical specialist inpsychiatric and mental health nursing, certified nurse midwife, and certifiednurse anesthetist, to render nursing and related services that the respectivestockholders are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved to provide.
(3) A physician and aphysician assistant who is licensed, registered, or otherwise certified underChapter 90 of the General Statutes to render medical and related services.
(4) A physician, alicensed psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, or each of them and acertified clinical specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing, alicensed marriage and family therapist, a licensed professional counselor, oreach of them, to render psychotherapeutic and related services that therespective stockholders are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved toprovide.
(5) A physician and anycombination of a nurse practitioner, certified clinical specialist inpsychiatric and mental health nursing, or certified nurse midwife, registeredor otherwise certified under Chapter 90 of the General Statutes, to rendermedical and related services that the respective stockholders are licensed,certified, or otherwise approved to provide.
(6) A physicianpracticing anesthesiology and a certified nurse anesthetist to renderanesthesia and related medical services that the respective stockholders arelicensed, certified, or otherwise approved to provide.
(7) A physician and anaudiologist who is licensed under Article 22 of Chapter 90 of the GeneralStatutes to render audiological and related medical services that the respectivestockholders are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved to provide.
(8) A physicianpracticing ophthalmology and an optometrist who is licensed under Article 6 ofChapter 90 of the General Statutes to render either or both of ophthalmic servicesand optometric and related services that the respective stockholders arelicensed, certified, or otherwise approved to provide.
(9) A physicianpracticing orthopedics and a podiatrist who is licensed under Article 12A ofChapter 90 of the General Statutes to render either or both of orthopedicservices and podiatric and related services that the respective stockholdersare licensed, certified, or otherwise approved to provide. (1969, c. 718, s. 14; 1971,c. 196, s. 2; 1973, c. 1446, s. 9; 1985, c. 251; 1991, c. 205, s. 4; 1995, c.382, s. 1; 1997‑421, s. 1; 1997‑500, s. 1; 1999‑136, s. 1;2000‑115, s. 6; 2001‑487, s. 40(e); 2003‑117, s. 4; 2006‑144,s. 3.1; 2007‑451, s. 2(a).)