§ 55B-11. Renewal of certificate of registration.
§55B‑11. Renewal of certificate of registration.
Upon written application ofthe holder, accompanied by a fee not to exceed the sum of twenty‑fivedollars ($25.00), the licensing board shall renew the certificate ofregistration of a professional corporation as required by law or theregulations of the licensing board if the board finds that the corporation hascomplied with its regulations and the provisions of this section. If thecorporation does not apply for renewal of its certificate of registrationwithin 30 days after the date of the expiration of such certificate, thecertificate of registration shall be automatically suspended and may bereinstated within the calendar year upon the payment of the required renewalfee plus a penalty of ten dollars ($10.00), if such corporation is thenotherwise qualified and entitled to a renewal of its certificate ofregistration. (1969, c. 718, s. 11.)