§ 55A-7-20. Members' list for meeting.
Part 2. Voting.
§ 55A‑7‑20. Members' list for meeting.
(a) After fixing arecord date for a notice of a meeting, a corporation shall prepare analphabetical list of the names of all its members who are entitled to notice ofthe meeting. The list shall show the address and number of votes each memberis entitled to cast at the meeting. The corporation shall prepare on a currentbasis through the time of the membership meeting a list of members, if any, whoare entitled to vote at the meeting, but not entitled to notice of themeeting. This list shall be prepared on the same basis as and be part of thelist of members.
(b) Beginning twobusiness days after notice is given of the meeting for which the list wasprepared and continuing through the meeting, the list of members shall beavailable at the corporation's principal office or at a reasonable placeidentified in the meeting notice in the city where the meeting will be held forinspection by any member for the purpose of communication with other membersconcerning the meeting. A member, personally or by or with hisrepresentatives, is entitled on written demand to inspect and, subject to thelimitations of G.S. 55A‑16‑02(c) and G.S. 55A‑16‑05 andat his expense, to copy the list at a reasonable time during the period it isavailable for inspection.
(c) The corporationshall make the list of members available at the meeting, and any member,personally or by or with his representatives, is entitled to inspect the listat any time during the meeting or any adjournment.
(d) If the corporationrefuses to allow a member or his representative to inspect or copy the list ofmembers as permitted in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the superiorcourt of the county where a corporation's principal office (or, if there isnone in this State, its registered office) is located, on application of themember, after notice is given to the corporation and upon such furtherevidence, notice and opportunity to be heard, if any, as the court may deemappropriate under the circumstances, may summarily order the inspection orcopying at the corporation's expense. The court may postpone the meeting forwhich the list was prepared until the inspection or copying is complete and mayorder the corporation to pay the member's costs, including reasonableattorneys' fees, incurred to obtain the order.
(e) Refusal or failureto prepare or make available the members' list does not affect the validity ofaction taken at the meeting. (1993, c. 398, s. 1.)