§ 53-77. Governor empowered to proclaim banking holidays.
§53‑77. Governor empowered to proclaim banking holidays.
The Governor is herebyauthorized and empowered, by and with the advice and consent of the Council ofState, to name and set apart such day or days, as he may from time to timedesignate, as banking holidays. During such period of holidays, all theordinary and usual operations and business of all banking corporations, Stateor national, in this State shall be suspended, and during such period nobanking corporation shall pay out or receive deposits, make loans or discounts,transfer credits, or transact any other banking business whatsoever: Provided,however, that during any such holiday, including the holiday validated in thissection, the Commissioner of Banks, with the approval of the Governor, maypermit any or all such banking institutions to perform any or all of the usualbanking functions.
The banking holiday heretoforeproclaimed by the Governor of this State for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,March 6, 7, and 8, 1933 is hereby approved and validated, and the said days arehereby declared to be banking holidays in the State of North Carolina. (1933,c. 120, ss. 1, 2.)