§ 52C-7-701. Proceeding to determine parentage.


Determination ofParentage.

§ 52C‑7‑701. Proceeding to determine parentage.

(a)        A tribunal of thisState may serve as an initiating or responding tribunal in a proceeding broughtunder this Chapter or a law substantially similar to this Chapter, the UniformReciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, or the Revised Uniform ReciprocalEnforcement of Support Act to determine that the petitioner is a parent of aparticular child or to determine that a respondent is a parent of that child.

(b)        In a proceeding todetermine parentage, a responding tribunal of this State shall apply theprocedural and substantive law of this State and the rules of this State onchoice of law. (1995, c. 538, s. 7(c).)