§ 50B-5.5. Employment discrimination unlawful.
§ 50B‑5.5. Employmentdiscrimination unlawful.
(a) No employer shalldischarge, demote, deny a promotion, or discipline an employee because theemployee took reasonable time off from work to obtain or attempt to obtainrelief under this Chapter. An employee who is absent from the workplace shallfollow the employer's usual time‑off policy or procedure, includingadvance notice to the employer, when required by the employer's usualprocedures, unless an emergency prevents the employee from doing so. An employermay require documentation of any emergency that prevented the employee fromcomplying in advance with the employer's usual time‑off policy orprocedure, or any other information available to the employee which supportsthe employee's reason for being absent from the workplace.
(b) The Commissioner ofLabor shall enforce the provisions of this section according to Article 21 ofChapter 95 of the General Statutes, including the rules and regulations issuedpursuant to the Article. (2004‑186, s. 18.1.)