§ 38A-2. Definitions.
§38A‑2. Definitions.
The following definitionsshall apply throughout this Chapter, unless otherwise specified:
(1) "Charge"means a price or fee asked for services, entertainment, recreation performed,or products offered for sale on land or in return for an invitation orpermission to enter upon land, except as otherwise excluded in this Chapter.
(2) "Educationalpurpose" means any activity undertaken as part of a formal or informaleducational program, and viewing historical, natural, archaeological, orscientific sites.
(3) "Land"means real property, land, and water, but does not mean a dwelling and theproperty immediately adjacent to and surrounding such dwelling that isgenerally used for activities associated with occupancy of the dwelling as a livingspace.
(4) "Owner"means any individual or nongovernmental legal entity that has any fee,leasehold interest, or legal possession, and any employee or agent of suchindividual or nongovernmental legal entity.
(5) "Recreationalpurpose" means any activity undertaken for recreation, exercise,education, relaxation, refreshment, diversion, or pleasure. (1995,c. 308, s. 1.)