§ 35A-1228. Guardians of children of servicemen; allotments and allowances.
§35A‑1228. Guardians of children of servicemen; allotments andallowances.
In all cases where a personserving in the armed forces of the United States has made an allotment orallowance to a resident of this State who is his child or other minor dependentas provided by the Wartime Allowances to Service Men's Dependents Act or anyother act of Congress, the clerk in the county of the minor's residence may actas temporary guardian, or appoint some suitable person to act as temporaryguardian, of the person's minor dependent for purposes of receiving anddisbursing allotments and allowance funds for the benefit of the minordependent, when:
(1) The other parent ofthe child or other minor dependent, or other person designated in the allowanceor allotment to receive and disburse such moneys for the benefit of the minordependent, dies or becomes mentally incompetent; and
(2) The person servingin the armed forces of the United States is reported as missing in action or asa prisoner of war and is unable to designate another person to receive anddisburse the allotment or allowance to the minor dependent. (1987,c. 550, s. 1.)