§ 24-2.2. Interest on extensions of credit by banks and savings and loan associations; exceptions.
§24‑2.2. Interest on extensions of credit by banks and savings and loanassociations; exceptions.
Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law, banks and savings and loan associations chartered in NorthCarolina by the State of North Carolina or the federal government shall each beentitled to charge on extensions of credit those interest rates allowed anylender under North Carolina law. Provided, that any extension of creditpursuant to this authority shall be governed by those restrictions or limitationscontained in the authorizing statute. Provided further, the authority grantedunder this section shall not apply to rates provided in Article 15 of Chapter53, the Consumer Finance Act, nor in Subchapter III of Chapter 54, concerningcredit unions. (1983, c. 126, s. 8.)