§ 20-7.1. Notice of change of address or name.
§ 20‑7.1. Notice ofchange of address or name.
(a) Address. A personwhose address changes from the address stated on a drivers license must notifythe Division of the change within 60 days after the change occurs. If theperson's address changed because the person moved, the person must obtain aduplicate license within that time limit stating the new address. A person whodoes not move but whose address changes due to governmental action may not becharged with violating this subsection.
(b) Name. A personwhose name changes from the name stated on a drivers license must notify theDivision of the change within 60 days after the change occurs and obtain aduplicate drivers license stating the new name.
(c) Fee. G.S. 20‑14sets the fee for a duplicate license. (1975, c. 223, s. 1; 1979, c. 970; 1983, c. 521, s. 1;1997‑122, s. 4.)