§ 20-79.5. Special registration plates for elected and appointed State government officials.
§ 20‑79.5. Specialregistration plates for elected and appointed State government officials.
(a) Plates. The Stategovernment officials listed in this section are eligible for a specialregistration plate under G.S. 20‑79.4. The plate shall bear the numberdesignated in the following table for the position held by the official.
Position Numberon Plate
Governor 1
LieutenantGovernor 2
Speakerof the House of Representatives 3
PresidentPro Tempore of the Senate 4
Secretaryof State 5
StateAuditor 6
StateTreasurer 7
Superintendentof Public Instruction 8
AttorneyGeneral 9
Commissionerof Agriculture 10
Commissionerof Labor 11
Commissionerof Insurance 12
SpeakerPro Tempore of the House 13
LegislativeServices Officer 14
Secretaryof Administration 15
Secretaryof Environment and Natural Resources 16
Secretaryof Revenue 17
Secretaryof Health and Human Services 18
Secretaryof Commerce 19
Secretaryof Correction 20
Secretaryof Cultural Resources 21
Secretaryof Crime Control and Public Safety 22
Secretaryof Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 23
Governor'sStaff 24‑29
StateBudget Officer 30
StatePersonnel Director 31
Chair ofthe State Board of Education 32
Presidentof the U.N.C. System 33
Presidentof the Community Colleges System 34
StateBoard Member, Commission Member, or State
EmployeeNot Named in List 35‑43
AlcoholicBeverage Control Commission 44‑46
AssistantCommissioners of Agriculture 47‑48
DeputySecretary of State 49
DeputyState Treasurer 50
AssistantState Treasurer 51
Deputy Commissionerfor the Department of Labor 52
ChiefDeputy for the Department of Insurance 53
AssistantCommissioner of Insurance 54
Deputiesand Assistant to the Attorney General 55‑65
Board ofEconomic Development Nonlegislative Member 66‑88
StatePorts Authority Nonlegislative Member 89‑96
UtilitiesCommission Member 97‑103
StateBoard Member, Commission Member, or State
EmployeeNot Named in List 104
Post‑ReleaseSupervision and Parole Commission Member 105‑107
StateBoard Member, Commission Member, or State
EmployeeNot Named in List 108‑200
(b) Designation. Whenthe table in subsection (a) designates a range of numbers for certainofficials, the number given an official in that group shall be assigned. TheGovernor shall assign a number for members of the Governor's staff,nonlegislative members of the Board of Economic Development, nonlegislativemembers of the State Ports Authority, members of State boards and commissions,and for State employees. The Attorney General shall assign a number for the AttorneyGeneral's deputies and assistants.
The first number assigned tothe Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission is reserved for the Chair of thatCommission. The remaining numbers shall be assigned to the Alcoholic BeverageControl Commission members on the basis of seniority. The first number assignedto the Utilities Commission is reserved for the Chair of that Commission. Theremaining numbers shall be assigned to the Utilities Commission members on thebasis of seniority. The first number assigned to the Post‑ReleaseSupervision and Parole Commission is reserved for the Chair of that Commission.The remaining numbers shall be assigned to the Post‑Release Supervisionand Parole Commission members on the basis of seniority. (1991, c. 672, s. 2; c. 726,s. 23; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 959, s. 1; 1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 18, s.8(a); 1997‑443, ss. 11A.118(a), 11A.119(a); 2000‑137, s. 4(e); 2006‑203,s. 14; 2007‑483, s. 3(a).)