§ 20-78. When Division to transfer registration and issue new certificate; recordation.
§ 20‑78. When Divisionto transfer registration and issue new certificate; recordation.
(a) The Division, uponreceipt of a properly endorsed certificate of title, application for transferthereof and payment of all proper fees, shall issue a new certificate of titleas upon an original registration. The Division, upon receipt of an applicationfor transfer of registration plates, together with payment of all proper fees,shall issue a new registration card transferring and assigning the registrationplates and numbers thereon as upon an original assignment of registrationplates.
(b) The Division shallmaintain a record of certificates of title issued by the Division for a periodof 20 years. After 20 years, the Division shall maintain a record of the lasttwo owners.
The Commissioner is herebyauthorized and empowered to provide for the photographic or photostaticrecording of certificate of title records in such manner as he may deemexpedient. The photographic or photostatic copies herein authorized shall besufficient as evidence in tracing of titles of the motor vehicles designatedtherein, and shall also be admitted in evidence in all actions and proceedingsto the same extent that the originals would have been admitted. (1937,c. 407, s. 42; 1943, c. 726; 1947, c. 219, s. 8; 1961, c. 360, s. 14; 1971, c.1070, s. 4; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1999‑452, s. 15.)