§ 20-52. Application for registration and certificate of title.
§ 20‑52. Applicationfor registration and certificate of title.
(a) An owner of avehicle subject to registration must apply to the Division for a certificate oftitle, a registration plate, and a registration card for the vehicle. To apply,an owner must complete an application provided by the Division. The applicationmust request all of the following information and may request other informationthe Division considers necessary:
(1) The owner's name.
(1a) If the owner is anindividual, the following information:
a. The owner's mailingaddress and residence address.
b. One of the followingat the option of the applicant:
1. The owner's NorthCarolina drivers license number or North Carolina special identification cardnumber.
2. The owner's homestate drivers license number or home state special identification card numberand valid active duty military identification card number or military dependentidentification card number if the owner is a person or the spouse or dependentchild of a person on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States whois stationed in this State or deployed outside this State from a home base inthis State. The owner's inability to provide a photocopy or reproduction of amilitary or military dependent identification card pursuant to any prohibitionof the United States government or any agency thereof against the making ofsuch photocopy or reproduction shall not operate to prevent the owner frommaking an application for registration and certificate of title pursuant to thissubdivision.
3. The owner's homestate drivers license number or home state special identification card numberand proof of enrollment in a school in this State if the owner is a permanentresident of another state but is currently enrolled in a school in this State.
4. The owner's homestate drivers license number or home state special identification card numberif the owner provides a signed affidavit certifying that the owner intends toprincipally garage the vehicle in this State and provides the address where thevehicle is or will be principally garaged. For purposes of this section,"principally garage" means the vehicle is garaged for six or moremonths of the year on property in this State which is owned, leased, orotherwise lawfully occupied by the owner of the vehicle.
5. The owner's homestate drivers license number or home state special identification card number,provided that the application is made pursuant to a court authorized sale or asale authorized by G.S. 44A‑4 for the purpose of issuing a title to beregistered in another state or country.
6. The co‑owner'shome state drivers license number or home state special identification cardnumber if at least one co‑owner provides a North Carolina drivers licensenumber or North Carolina special identification number.
7. The owner's homestate drivers license number or special identification card number if theapplication is for a motor home or house car, as defined in G.S. 20‑4.01(27)d2.,or for a house trailer, as defined in G.S. 20‑4.01(14).
(1b) If the owner is afirm, partnership, a corporation, or another entity, the address of the entity.
(2) A description of thevehicle, including the following:
a. The make, model,type of body, and vehicle identification number of the vehicle.
b. Whether the vehicleis new or used and, if a new vehicle, the date the manufacturer or dealer soldthe vehicle to the owner and the date the manufacturer or dealer delivered thevehicle to the owner.
(3) A statement of theowner's title and of all liens upon the vehicle, including the names andaddresses of all lienholders in the order of their priority, and the date andnature of each lien.
(4) A statement that theowner is an eligible risk for insurance coverage as defined in G.S. 58‑37‑1(4a).
(5) For registration andcertificate of title for a nonfleet private passenger motor vehicle, astatement that providing incorrect or false and misleading information as tothe owner's status as an eligible risk can result in criminal prosecution andthe denial of insurance coverage for any loss of the owner under any insurancepolicies for which application is made if the owner provides false andmisleading information as to eligible risk status.
(6) For registration andcertificate of title for a nonfleet private passenger motor vehicle, astatement that the owner will inform the insurer before the next policy renewalif the owner ceases to be an eligible risk.
(a1) An owner who wouldotherwise be capable of attaining a drivers license or special identificationcard from this State or any other state, except for a medical or physicalcondition that can be documented to, and verified by, the Division, shall beissued a registration plate and certificate of title if the owner provides asigned affidavit certifying that the owner intends to principally garage thevehicle in this State and provides the address where the vehicle is or will beprincipally garaged.
(b) When suchapplication refers to a new vehicle purchased from a manufacturer or dealer,such application shall be accompanied with a manufacturer's certificate oforigin that is properly assigned to the applicant. If the new vehicle isacquired from a dealer or person located in another jurisdiction other than amanufacturer, the application shall be accompanied with such evidence ofownership as is required by the laws of that jurisdiction duly assigned by thedisposer to the purchaser, or, if no such evidence of ownership be required bythe laws of such other jurisdiction, a notarized bill of sale from the disposer. (1937, c. 407,s. 17; 1961, c. 835, ss. 2, 3; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1991, c. 183, s. 2; 1993(Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 750, s. 5; 2007‑164, s. 4; 2007‑209, ss. 1,2; 2007‑443, s. 6; 2007‑481, ss. 4‑7; 2008‑124, s. 4.1;2009‑274, s. 4.)