§ 20-116. Size of vehicles and loads.
§ 20‑116. Size ofvehicles and loads.
(a) The total outsidewidth of any vehicle or the load thereon shall not exceed 102 inches, except asotherwise provided in this section. When hogsheads of tobacco are beingtransported, a tolerance of six inches is allowed. When sheet or bale tobaccois being transported the load must not exceed a width of 114 inches at the topof the load and the bottom of the load at the truck bed must not exceed thewidth of 102 inches inclusive of allowance for load shifting or settling.Vehicles (other than passenger buses) that do not exceed the overall width of102 inches and otherwise provided in this section may be operated in accordancewith G.S. 20‑115.1(c), (f), and (g).
(b) No passenger‑typevehicle or recreational vehicle shall be operated on any highway with any loadcarried thereon extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side ofsuch vehicle nor extending more than six inches beyond the line of the fenderson the right side thereof.
(c) No vehicle, unladenor with load, shall exceed a height of 13 feet, six inches. Provided, however,that neither the State of North Carolina nor any agency or subdivision thereof,nor any person, firm or corporation, shall be required to raise, alter,construct or reconstruct any underpass, wire, pole, trestle, or other structureto permit the passage of any vehicle having a height, unladen or with load, inexcess of 12 feet, six inches. Provided further, that the operator or owner ofany vehicle having an overall height, whether unladen or with load, in excessof 12 feet, six inches, shall be liable for damage to any structure caused bysuch vehicle having a height in excess of 12 feet, six inches.
(d) Maximum Length. Thefollowing maximum lengths apply to vehicles. A truck‑tractor andsemitrailer shall be regarded as two vehicles for the purpose of determininglawful length and license taxes.
(1) Except as otherwiseprovided in this subsection, a single vehicle having two or more axles shallnot exceed 40 feet in length overall of dimensions inclusive of front and rearbumpers.
(2) Trucks transportingunprocessed cotton from farm to gin, or unprocessed sage from farm to marketshall not exceed 50 feet in length overall of dimensions inclusive of front andrear bumpers.
(3) Recreationalvehicles shall not exceed 45 feet in length overall, excluding bumpers andmirrors.
(e) Except as providedby G.S. 20‑115.1, no combination of vehicles coupled together shallconsist of more than two units and no such combination of vehicles shall exceeda total length of 60 feet inclusive of front and rear bumpers, subject to thefollowing exceptions: Motor vehicle combinations of one semitrailer of not morethan 53 feet in length and a truck tractor (power unit) may exceed the 60‑footmaximum length. Said maximum overall length limitation shall not apply tovehicles operated in the daytime when transporting poles, pipe, machinery orother objects of a structural nature which cannot readily be dismembered, norto such vehicles transporting such objects operated at nighttime by a publicutility when required for emergency repair of public service facilities orproperties, provided the trailer length does not exceed 53 feet in length, butin respect to such night transportation every such vehicle and the load thereonshall be equipped with a sufficient number of clearance lamps on both sides andmarker lamps upon the extreme ends of said projecting load to clearly mark thedimensions of such load: Provided that vehicles designed and used exclusively forthe transportation of motor vehicles shall be permitted an overhang tolerancefront or rear not to exceed five feet. Provided, that wreckers may tow a truck,combination tractor and trailer, trailer, or any other disabled vehicle orcombination of vehicles to a place for repair, parking, or storage within 50miles of the point where the vehicle was disabled and may tow a truck, tractor,or other replacement vehicle to the site of the disabled vehicle. Providedfurther, that the said limitation that no combination of vehicles coupledtogether shall consist of more than two units shall not apply to trailers notexceeding three in number drawn by a motor vehicle used by municipalities forthe removal of domestic and commercial refuse and street rubbish, but suchcombination of vehicles shall not exceed a total length of 50 feet inclusive offront and rear bumpers. Provided further, that the said limitation that nocombination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than two unitsshall not apply to a combination of vehicles coupled together by a saddle mountdevice used to transport motor vehicles in a driveway service when no more thanthree saddle mounts are used and provided further, that equipment used in saidcombination is approved by the safety regulations of the Federal HighwayAdministration and the safety rules of the Department of Crime Control andPublic Safety.
(f) The load upon anyvehicle operated alone, or the load upon the front vehicle of a combination ofvehicles, shall not extend more than three feet beyond the foremost part of thevehicle. Under this subsection "load" shall include the boom on aself‑propelled vehicle.
A utility pole carried by aself‑propelled pole carrier may extend beyond the front overhang limitset in this subsection if the pole cannot be dismembered, the pole is less than80 feet in length and does not extend more than 10 feet beyond the front bumperof the vehicle, and either of the following circumstances apply:
(1) It is daytime andthe front of the extending load of poles is marked by a flag of the typerequired by G.S. 20‑117 for certain rear overhangs.
(2) It is nighttime,operation of the vehicle is required to make emergency repairs to utilityservice, and the front of the extending load of poles is marked by a light ofthe type required by G.S. 20‑117 for certain rear overhangs.
As used in this subsection, a"self‑propelled pole carrier" is a vehicle designed to carry apole on the side of the vehicle at a height of at least five feet when measuredfrom the bottom of the brace used to carry the pole. A self‑propelledpole carrier may not tow another vehicle when carrying a pole that extendsbeyond the front overhang limit set in this subsection.
(g) (1) Novehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle isconstructed and loaded to prevent any of its load from falling, blowing,dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom, and the vehicleshall not contain any holes, cracks, or openings through which any of its loadmay escape. However, sand may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction,or water or other substance may be sprinkled, dumped, or spread on a roadway incleaning or maintaining the roadway. For purposes of this subsection, load doesnot include water accumulated from precipitation.
(2) A truck, trailer, orother vehicle licensed for more than 7,500 pounds gross vehicle weight that isloaded with rock, gravel, stone, or any other similar substance, other thansand, that could fall, blow, leak, sift, or drop shall not be driven or movedon any highway unless:
a. The height of theload against all four walls does not extend above a horizontal line six inchesbelow their tops when loaded at the loading point; and
b. The load is securelycovered by tarpaulin or some other suitable covering to prevent any of its loadfrom falling, dropping, sifting, leaking, blowing, or otherwise escapingtherefrom.
(3) A truck, trailer, orother vehicle:
a. Licensed for anygross vehicle weight and loaded with sand; or
b. Licensed for 7,500pounds or less gross vehicle weight and loaded with rock, gravel, stone, or anyother similar substance that could fall, blow, leak, sift, or drop;
shallnot be driven or moved on any highway unless:
a. The height of theload against all four walls does not extend above a horizontal line six inchesbelow the top when loaded at the loading point;
b. The load is securelycovered by tarpaulin or some other suitable covering; or
c. The vehicle isconstructed to prevent any of its load from falling, dropping, sifting,leaking, blowing, or otherwise escaping therefrom.
(4) This section shallnot be applicable to or in any manner restrict the transportation of seedcotton, poultry or livestock, or silage or other feed grain used in the feedingof poultry or livestock.
(h) Whenever thereexist two highways of the State highway system of approximately the samedistance between two or more points, the Department of Transportation may, whenin the opinion of the Department of Transportation, based upon engineering andtraffic investigation, safety will be promoted or the public interest will beserved, designate one of the highways the "truck route" between thosepoints, and to prohibit the use of the other highway by heavy trucks or othervehicles of a gross vehicle weight or axle load limit in excess of a designatedmaximum. In such instances the highways selected for heavy vehicle trafficshall be designated as "truck routes" by signs conspicuously posted,and the highways upon which heavy vehicle traffic is prohibited shall likewisebe designated by signs conspicuously posted showing the maximum gross vehicleweight or axle load limits authorized for those highways. The operation of anyvehicle whose gross vehicle weight or axle load exceeds the maximum limitsshown on signs over the posted highway shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor:Provided, that nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a truck or other motorvehicle whose gross vehicle weight or axle load exceeds that prescribed forthose highways from using them when its destination is located solely upon thathighway, road or street: Provided, further, that nothing in this subsectionshall prohibit passenger vehicles or other light vehicles from using anyhighways designated for heavy truck traffic.
(i) Repealed bySession Laws 1973, c. 1330, s. 39.
(j) Nothing in thissection shall be construed to prevent the operation of self‑propelledgrain combines or other self‑propelled farm equipment with or withoutimplements, not exceeding 25 feet in width on any highway, except a highway orsection of highway that is a fully controlled access highway or is a part ofthe National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. Farm equipment includesa vehicle that is designed exclusively to transport compressed seed cotton froma farm to a gin and has a self‑loading bed. Combines or equipment whichexceed 10 feet in width may be operated only if they meet all of the conditionslisted in this subsection. A violation of one or more of these conditions doesnot constitute negligence per se.
(1) The equipment mayonly be operated during daylight hours.
(2) The equipment mustdisplay a red flag on front and rear ends. The flags shall not be smaller thanthree feet wide and four feet long. The flags shall be attached to a stick,pole, staff, etc., not less than four feet long and they shall be attached tothe equipment as to be visible from both directions at all times while beingoperated on the public highway for not less than 300 feet.
(3) Equipment covered bythis section, which by necessity must travel more than 10 miles or where bynature of the terrain or obstacles the flags referred to in subdivision (2) ofthis subsection are not visible from both directions for 300 feet at any pointalong the proposed route, must be preceded at a distance of 300 feet andfollowed at a distance of 300 feet by a flagman in a vehicle having mountedthereon an appropriate warning light or flag. No flagman in a vehicle shall berequired pursuant to this subdivision if the equipment is being moved under itsown power or on a trailer from any field to another field, or from the normalplace of storage of the vehicle to any field, for no more than ten miles and ifvisible from both directions for 300 feet at any point along the proposed route.
(4) Every piece ofequipment so operated shall operate to the right of the center line whenmeeting traffic coming from the opposite direction and at all other times whenpossible and practical.
(5) Repealed by SessionLaws 2008‑221, s. 6, effective September 1, 2008.
(6) When the equipmentis causing a delay in traffic, the operator of the equipment shall move theequipment off the paved portion of the highway at the nearest practicallocation until the vehicles following the equipment have passed.
(7) The equipment shallbe operated in the designed transport position that minimizes equipment width.No removal of equipment or appurtenances is required under this subdivision.
(k) Nothing in thissection shall be construed to prevent the operation of passenger buses havingan overall width of 102 inches, exclusive of safety equipment, upon thehighways of this State which are 20 feet or wider and that are designated asthe State primary system, or as municipal streets, when, and not until, thefederal law and regulations thereunder permit the operation of passenger buseshaving a width of 102 inches or wider on the National System of Interstate andDefense Highways.
(l) Nothing in thissection shall be construed to prevent the operation of passenger buses that areowned and operated by units of local government, operated as a single vehicleonly and having an overall length of 45 feet or less, on public streets orhighways. The Department of Transportation may prevent the operation of busesthat are authorized under this subsection if the operation of such buses on astreet or highway presents a hazard to passengers of the buses or to themotoring public.
(m) Notwithstandingsubsection (a) of this section, a boat or boat trailer with an outside width ofless than 120 inches may be towed without a permit. The towing of a boat orboat trailer 102 inches to 114 inches in width may take place on any day of theweek, including weekends and holidays, and may take place at night. The towingof a boat or boat trailer 114 inches to 120 inches in width may take place onany day of the week, including weekends and holidays from sun up to sun down. Aboat or boat trailer in excess of 102 inches but less than 120 inches must beequipped with a minimum of two operable amber lamps on the widest point of theboat and the boat trailer such that the dimensions of the boat and the boattrailer are clearly marked and visible.
(n) Vehiclecombinations used in connection with motorsports competition events thatinclude a cab or other motorized vehicle unit with living quarters, and anattached enclosed specialty trailer, the combination of which does not exceed90 feet in length, may be operated on the highways of this State, provided thatsuch operation takes place for one or more of the following purposes:
(1) Driving to or from amotorsports competition event.
(2) For trips conductedfor the purpose of purchasing fuel or conducting repairs or other maintenanceon the competition vehicle.
(3) For other activitiesrelated to motorsports purposes, including, but not limited to, performancetesting of the competition vehicle.
The Department ofTransportation may prohibit combinations authorized by this subsection fromspecific routes, pursuant to G.S. 20‑115.1(b). (1937, c. 246; c. 407, s.80; 1943, c. 213, s. 1; 1945, c. 242, s. 1; 1947, c. 844; 1951, c. 495, s. 1;c. 733; 1953, cc. 682, 1107; 1955, c. 296, s. 2; c. 729; 1957, c. 65, s. 11;cc. 493, 1183, 1190; 1959, c. 559; 1963, c. 356, s. 1; c. 610, ss. 1, 2; c.702, s. 4; c. 1027, s. 1; 1965, c. 471; 1967, c. 24, s. 4; c. 710; 1969, cc.128, 880; 1971, cc. 128, 680, 688, 1079; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; c. 546; c. 1330,s. 39; 1975, c. 148, ss. 1‑5; c. 716, s. 5; 1977, c. 464, s. 34; 1979,cc. 21, 218; 1981, c. 169, s. 1; 1983, c. 724, s. 2; 1985, c. 587; 1987, c.272; 1989, c. 277, s. 1; c. 790, s. 2; 1991, c. 112, s. 1; c. 449, ss. 1, 2.1;1993, c. 539, s. 355; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1995 (Reg. Sess.,1996), c. 573, s. 1; c. 756, s. 14; 1998‑149, s. 7; 1999‑438, s.28; 2000‑185, s. 2; 2001‑341, ss. 3, 4; 2001‑512, s. 2; 2002‑72,s. 19(c); 2002‑159, s. 31.5(b); 2002‑190, s. 2; 2003‑383, s.8; 2005‑248, s. 2; 2007‑77, s. 1; 2007‑194, ss. 2, 3; 2007‑484,s. 5; 2007‑499, s. 1; 2008‑221, ss. 5, 6; 2008‑229, s. 1; 2009‑7, s. 1; 2009‑127,s. 1; 2009‑128, s. 1.)