§ 18B-309. Alcoholic beverage sales in Urban Redevelopment Areas.
§ 18B‑309. Alcoholicbeverage sales in Urban Redevelopment Areas.
(a) A food business asdefined in G.S. 18B‑1000(3), a retail business as defined in G.S. 18B‑1000(7),or an eating establishment as defined in G.S. 18B‑1000(2) that holds anABC permit under this Chapter and is located in a part of a city that has beendesignated as an Urban Redevelopment Area under Article 22 of Chapter 160A ofthe General Statutes shall not have alcoholic beverage sales in excess of fiftypercent (50%) of the business's total annual sales. The city council, or itsdesignee, shall file a certified copy of the official action and originaldocuments, including a map or similar information, designating the area as anUrban Redevelopment Area. The Commission shall make this information availableto any permittee who makes a request for this information to the Commission.
(b) Upon request of acity, the Commission shall investigate the total annual alcohol sales and totalsales of a business as defined in this section. The Commission shall report theresults of such an investigation to the city council, and the report shallcontain only the percentage of annual alcohol sales in proportion to thebusiness's total annual sales. A city may request an investigation of aparticular business by the Commission only once in each calendar year. Theseaudits may be conducted by the Commission only upon the request of the citycouncil.
(c) Businesses coveredby this section shall maintain full and accurate monthly records of theirfinances, separately indicating each of the following:
(1) Amounts expended bythe business for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and the quantity ofalcoholic beverages purchased;
(2) Amounts collectedfrom the sale of alcoholic beverages sold; and
(3) Amounts collectedfrom the sale of food, nonalcoholic beverages, and all other items sold by thebusiness.
Records of purchases ofalcoholic beverages and sales of alcoholic beverages shall be filed separateand apart from all other records maintained on the premises, and all recordsrelated to alcoholic beverages, including original invoices, shall bemaintained on the premises for three years and shall be open for inspection andaudit pursuant to G.S. 18B‑502. (1999‑322, s. 1; 2001‑515, s. 3(a).)