§ 166A-22. Hazardous materials emergency response program.
§ 166A‑22. Hazardous materials emergencyresponse program.
(a) The Secretary shall adopt rules establishing a regionalresponse program for hazardous materials emergencies and terrorist incidents,to be administered by the Division of Emergency Management. To the extentpossible, the regional response program shall be coordinated with otheremergency planning activities of the State. The regional response program shallinclude at least six hazmat teams located strategically across the State thatare available to provide regional response to hazardous materials or terroristincidents requiring technician‑level entry capability and 24‑hourdispatch and communications capability at the Division of Emergency ManagementOperations Center. The rules for the program shall include:
(1) Standards, including training, equipment, and personnelstandards required to operate a regional response team with technician‑levelentry capability.
(2) Guidelines for the dispatch of a regional response team to ahazardous materials or terrorist incident.
(3) Guidelines for the on‑site operations of a regionalresponse team.
(4) Standards for administration of a regional response team,including procedures for reimbursement of response costs.
(5) Refresher and specialist training for members of regionalresponse teams.
(6) Procedures for recovering the costs of a response to ahazardous materials or terrorist incident from persons determined to beresponsible for the emergency.
(7) Procedures for bidding and contracting for the provision ofa hazmat team for the regional response program.
(8) Criteria for evaluating bids for the provision of a hazmatteam for regional response.
(9) Delineation of the roles of the regional response team,local fire department and local public safety personnel, the Division ofEmergency Management's area coordinator, and other State agency personnelresponding to the scene of a hazardous materials or terrorist incident.
(b) In developing the program and adopting rules, the Secretaryshall consult with the Regional Response Team Advisory Committee establishedpursuant to G.S. 166A‑24. (1993 (Reg. Sess.,1994), c. 769, s. 22.4(b); 2002‑179, s. 21(c).)