§ 165-27. Appointment, qualifications and tenure of commissioners.
§ 165‑27. Appointment, qualifications and tenure of commissioners.
An authority shall consist of five commissioners appointed by themayor, and he shall designate the first chairman.
Of the commissioners who are first appointed, two shall serve for aterm of one year, two for a term of three years, and one for a term of fiveyears, and thereafter, the terms of office for all commissioners shall be fiveyears. A commissioner shall hold office until his successor has been appointedand qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. Vacanciesoccurring by expiration of office or otherwise shall be filled in the followingmanner: The mayor and the remaining commissioners shall have a joint sessionand shall unanimously select the person to fill the vacancy; but if they areunable to do so, then such fact shall be certified to the resident judge of thesuperior court of the County in which the authority is located, and he shallfill the vacancy. The mayor shall file with the city clerk a certificate of theappointment or reappointment of any commissioner, and such certificate shall beconclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of such commissioner. Acommissioner shall receive no compensation for his services, but he shall beentitled to the necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, incurred inthe discharge of his duties.
When the office of the first chairman of the authority becomes vacant,the authority shall select a chairman from among its members. An authorityshall select from among its members a vice‑chairman, and it may employ asecretary, technical experts and such other officers, agents and employees,permanent and temporary, as it may require, and shall determine theirqualifications, duties, and compensation. An authority may employ its owncounsel and legal staff. An authority may delegate to one or more of its agentsor employees such powers or duties as it may deem proper. (1945, c. 460, s. 5.)