§ 164-11.6. Adoption of 1960 Replacement Volumes 2B and 3A of the General Statutes.
§ 164‑11.6. Adoption of 1960 Replacement Volumes 2B and 3A of the General Statutes.
(a) The chapters, subchapters, articles and sections nowcomprising Volume 2B of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and CumulativeSupplement thereto, consisting of G.S. 53‑1 through 82‑18, now inforce, as amended, are hereby reenacted and designated as Replacement Volume 2Bof the General Statutes of North Carolina.
(b) The chapters, subchapters, articles and sections nowcomprising Volume 3A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and CumulativeSupplement thereto, consisting of G.S. 106‑1 through 116‑185, nowin force, as amended, are hereby reenacted and designated Replacement Volume 3Aof the General Statutes of North Carolina.
(c) This enactment of Replacement Volumes 2B and 3A shall not beconstrued to invalidate or repeal any acts which have been passed during the1961 Session of the General Assembly, prior to March 14, 1961, nor shall thisenactment include any appended annotations, editorial notes, comments and crossreferences, legislative or historical references, or other material connectedor supplemental to the said chapters, subchapters, articles and sections, butnot contained in the body hereof. (1961, cc. 38, 185.)