§ 163-41. Precinct chief judges and judges of election; appointment; terms of office; qualifications; vacancies; oaths of office.
Article 5.
Precinct Election Officials.
§ 163‑41. Precinct chief judges and judges ofelection; appointment; terms of office; qualifications; vacancies; oaths ofoffice.
(a) Appointment of Chief Judge and Judges. At the meetingrequired by G.S. 163‑31 to be held on the Tuesday following the thirdMonday in August of the year in which they are appointed, the county board ofelections shall appoint one person to act as chief judge and two other personsto act as judges of election for each precinct in the county. Their terms ofoffice shall continue for two years from the specified date of appointment anduntil their successors are appointed and qualified, except that if anonresident of the precinct is appointed as chief judge or judge for aprecinct, that person's term of office shall end if the board of electionsappoints a qualified resident of the precinct of the same party to replace thenonresident chief judge or judge. It shall be their duty to conduct theprimaries and elections within their respective precincts. Persons appointed tothese offices must be registered voters and residents of the county in whichthe precinct is located, of good repute, and able to read and write. Not morethan one judge in each precinct shall belong to the same political party as thechief judge.
The term "precinct official" shall mean chief judges andjudges appointed pursuant to this section, and all assistants appointedpursuant to G.S. 163‑42, unless the context of a statute clearlyindicates a more restrictive meaning.
No person shall be eligible to serve as a precinct official, as thatterm is defined above, who holds any elective office under the government ofthe United States, or of the State of North Carolina or any politicalsubdivision thereof.
No person shall be eligible to serve as a precinct official who is acandidate for nomination or election.
No person shall be eligible to serve as a precinct official who holdsany office in a state, congressional district, county, or precinct politicalparty or political organization, or who is a manager or treasurer for anycandidate or political party, provided however that the position of delegate toa political party convention shall not be considered an office for the purposeof this subsection.
The chairman of each political party in the county where possible shallrecommend two registered voters in each precinct who are otherwise qualified,are residents of the precinct, have good moral character, and are able to readand write, for appointment as chief judge in the precinct, and he shall alsorecommend where possible the same number of similarly qualified voters forappointment as judges of election in that precinct. If such recommendations arereceived by the county board of elections no later than the fifth day precedingthe date on which appointments are to be made, it must make precinctappointments from the names of those recommended. Provided that if only onename is submitted by the fifth day preceding the date on which appointments areto be made, by a party for judge of election by the chairman of one of the twopolitical parties in the county having the greatest numbers of registeredvoters in the State, the county board of elections must appoint that person.
If the recommendations of the party chairs for chief judge or judge ina precinct are insufficient, the county board of elections by unanimous vote ofall of its members may name to serve as chief judge or judge in that precinctregistered voters in that precinct who were not recommended by the party chairs. If, after diligently seeking to fill the positions with registered voters ofthe precinct, the county board still has an insufficient number of officialsfor the precinct, the county board by unanimous vote of all of its members mayappoint to the positions registered voters in other precincts in the samecounty who meet the qualifications other than residence to be precinctofficials in the precinct, provided that where possible the county board shallseek and adopt the recommendation of the county chairman of the political partyaffected. In making its appointments, the county board shall assure, whereverpossible, that no precinct has a chief judge and judges all of whom areregistered with the same party. In no instance shall the county board appointnonresidents of the precinct to a majority of the three positions of chiefjudge and judge in a precinct.
If, at any time other than on the day of a primary or election, a chiefjudge or judge of election shall be removed from office, or shall die orresign, or if for any other cause there be a vacancy in a precinct electionoffice, the chairman of the county board of elections shall appoint another inhis place, promptly notifying him of his appointment. If at all possible, thechairman of the county board of elections shall consult with the countychairman of the political party of the vacating official, and if the chairmanof the county political party nominates a qualified voter of that precinct tofill the vacancy, the chairman of the county board of elections shall appointthat person. In filling such a vacancy, the chairman shall appoint a personwho belongs to the same political party as that to which the vacating memberbelonged when appointed. If the chairman of the county board of elections didnot appoint a person upon recommendation of the chairman of the party to fillsuch a vacancy, then the term of office of the person appointed to fill thevacancy shall expire upon the conclusion of the next canvass held by the countyboard of elections under this Chapter, and any successor must be a personnominated by the chairman of the party of the vacating officer.
If any person appointed chief judge shall fail to be present at thevoting place at the hour of opening the polls on primary or election day, or ifa vacancy in that office shall occur on primary or election day for any reasonwhatever, the precinct judges of election shall appoint another to act as chiefjudge until such time as the chairman of the county board of elections shallappoint to fill the vacancy. If such appointment by the chairman of the countyboard of elections is not a person nominated by the county chairman of thepolitical party of the vacating officer, then the term of office of the personappointed to fill the vacancy shall expire upon the conclusion of the nextcanvass held by the county board of elections under this Chapter. If a judgeof election shall fail to be present at the voting place at the hour of openingthe polls on primary or election day, or if a vacancy in that office shalloccur on primary or election day for any reason whatever, the chief judge shallappoint another to act as judge until such time as the chairman of the countyboard of elections shall appoint to fill the vacancy. Persons appointed tofill vacancies shall, whenever possible, be chosen from the same politicalparty as the person whose vacancy is being filled, and all such appointeesshall be sworn before acting.
As soon as practicable, following their training as prescribed in G.S.163‑82.24, each chief judge and judge of election shall take andsubscribe the following oath of office to be administered by an officerauthorized to administer oaths and file it with the county board of elections:
"I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will supportthe Constitution of the United States; that I will be faithful and bear trueallegiance to the State of North Carolina, and to the constitutional powers andauthorities which are or may be established for the government thereof; that Iwill endeavor to support, maintain and defend the Constitution of said Statenot inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States; that I willadminister the duties of my office as chief judge of (judge of election in)______precinct, __________County, without fear or favor; that I will not in anymanner request or seek to persuade or induce any voter to vote for or againstany particular candidate or proposition; and that I will not keep or make anymemorandum of anything occurring within a voting booth, unless I am called uponto testify in a judicial proceeding for a violation of the election laws ofthis State; so help me, God."
Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, a person appointed chief judgeby the judges of election under this section, or appointed judge of election bythe chief judge under this section may take the oath of office immediately uponappointment.
Before the opening of the polls on the morning of the primary orelection, the chief judge shall administer the oath set out in the precedingparagraph to each assistant, and any judge of election not previously sworn,substituting for the words "chief judge of" the words "assistantin" or "judge of election in" whichever is appropriate.
(b) Special Registration Commissioners Abolished; OptionalTraining. The office of special registration commissioner is abolished. TheState Board of Elections and county boards of elections may provide training topersons assisting in voter registration.
(b1) Repealed by Session Laws 1985, c. 387, s. 1.1.
(c) Publication of Names of Precinct Officials. Immediatelyafter appointing chief judges and judges as herein provided, the county boardof elections shall publish the names of the persons appointed in some newspaperhaving general circulation in the county or, in lieu thereof, at the courthousedoor, and shall notify each person appointed of his appointment, either byletter or by having a notice served upon him by the sheriff. Notice mayadditionally be made on a radio or television station or both, but such noticeshall be in addition to the newspaper and other required notice. (1901, c. 89, ss. 8, 9, 16; Rev., ss. 4307, 4308,4309; C.S., ss. 5928, 5929, 5930; 1923, c. 111, s. 2; 1929, c. 164, s. 18;1933, c. 165, s. 3; 1947, c. 505, s. 2; 1953, c. 843; c. 1191, s. 3; 1955, c.800; 1957, c. 784, s. 1; 1963, c. 303, s. 1; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1973, c. 435;c. 1223, s. 2; 1975, c. 159, ss. 3, 4; c. 711; c. 807, s. 1; 1979, c. 766, s.1; c. 782; 1981, c. 628, ss. 1, 2; c. 954, ss. 2, 4; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982),c. 1265, s. 7; 1983, c. 617, s. 5; 1985, c. 387; c. 563, ss. 9, 10; c. 600, s.7.1; c. 759, ss. 7, 7.1, 8; 1987, c. 80; c. 491, s. 4.1; 1987 (Reg. Sess.,1988), c. 1028, s. 12; 1989, c. 93, s. 2; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s.3; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 734, s. 1.)