§ 163-299. Ballots; municipal primaries and elections.
§ 163‑299. Ballots;municipal primaries and elections.
(a) The ballots printedfor use in general and special elections under the provisions of this Articleshall contain:
(1) The names of allcandidates who have been put in nomination in accordance with the provisions ofthis Chapter by any political party recognized in this State, or, innonpartisan municipal elections, the names of all candidates who have filednotices of candidacy or who have been nominated in a nonpartisan primary.
(2) The names of allpersons who have qualified as unaffiliated candidates under the provisions ofG.S. 163‑296.
(3) All questions,issues and propositions to be voted on by the people.
(b) The form ofmunicipal ballots to be used in partisan municipal elections shall be the sameas the form prescribed in this Chapter for the county ballot.
(c) The names ofcandidates for nomination or election in municipal primaries or elections shallbe placed on the ballot in strict alphabetical order, unless the municipalgoverning body has adopted a resolution no later than 60 days prior to aprimary or election requesting that candidates' names be rotated on ballots. Inthe event such a resolution has been adopted, then the board of electionsresponsible for printing the ballots shall have them printed so that the nameof each candidate shall, as far as practicable, occupy alternate positions onthe ballot; to that end the name of each candidate shall occupy with referenceto the name of every other candidate for the same office, first position,second position and every other position, if any, upon an equal number ofballots, and the ballots shall be distributed among the precinct voting placesimpartially and without discrimination.
(d) The provisions ofArticles 14A and 15A of this Chapter shall apply to ballots used in municipalprimaries and elections in the same manner as it is applied to county ballots.
(e) The rules containedin G.S. 163‑182.1 and G.S. 163‑182.2 for counting primary ballotsshall be followed in counting ballots in municipal primaries and nonpartisanprimaries.
(f) The requirementscontained in G.S. 163‑182.2(b) shall apply to all municipal elections.
(g) The county ormunicipal board of elections shall, in addition to the requirements containedin G.S. 163‑182.5 canvass the results in a nonpartisan municipal primary,election or runoff election, and in a special district election, the number oflegal votes cast in each precinct for each candidate, the name of each personvoted for, and the total number of votes cast in the municipality or specialdistrict for each person for each different office. (1971, c. 835, s. 1; 1979, c.534, s. 4; c. 806; 2001‑398, ss. 10, 11, 12; 2001‑460, ss. 7, 8;2004‑127, s. 5.)