§ 163-287. Special elections; procedure for calling.
§ 163‑287. Specialelections; procedure for calling.
Any city, whether its elections are conducted by the county board ofelections or the municipal board of elections, or any special district shallhave authority to call special elections as permitted by law. Prior to callinga special election, the city council or the governing body of the specialdistrict shall adopt a resolution specifying the details of the election, andforthwith deliver the resolution to the appropriate board of elections. The resolutionshall call on the board of elections to conduct the election described in theresolution and shall state the date on which the special election is to beconducted. The special election may be held at the same time as any otherState, county or municipal primary, election or special election or referendum,but may not otherwise be held within the period of time beginning 30 daysbefore and ending 30 days after the date of any other primary, election,special election or referendum held for that city or special district.
Legal notice of the special election shall be published no less than 45days prior to the special election. The appropriate board of elections shall beresponsible for publishing the legal notice. The notice shall state the dateand time of the special election, the issue to be submitted to the voters, andthe precincts in which the election will be held. This paragraph shall notapply to bond elections. (1971, c. 835, s. 1; 1973, c. 793, s. 86; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.762, s. 65.)