§ 163-278.22. Duties of State Board.
§ 163‑278.22. Duties ofState Board.
It shall be the duty and powerof the State Board:
(1) To prescribe formsof statements and other information required to be filed by this Article, tofurnish such forms to the county boards of elections and individuals, media orothers required to file such statements and information, and to prepare,publish and distribute or cause to be distributed to all candidates at the timethey file notices of candidacy a manual setting forth the provisions of thisArticle and a prescribed uniform system for accounts required to filestatements by this Article.
(2) To accept and fileany information voluntarily supplied that exceeds the requirements of thisArticle.
(3) To develop a filing,coding, and cross‑indexing system consonant with the purposes of thisArticle.
(4) To make statementsand other information filed with it available to the public at a charge not toexceed actual cost of copying.
(5) To preserve reportsand statements filed under this Article. Such reports and statements, after aperiod of two years following the election year, may be transferred to theDepartment of Cultural Resources, Office of Archives and History, and shall bepreserved for a period of 10 years.
(6) To prepare andpublish such reports as it may deem appropriate.
(7) To makeinvestigations to the extent the Board deems necessary with respect tostatements filed under the provisions of this Article and with respect toalleged failures to file any statement required under the provisions of this Articleor Article 22M of the General Statutes and, upon complaint under oath by anyregistered voter, with respect to alleged violations of any part of thisArticle or Article 22M of the General Statutes.
(8) After investigation,to report apparent violations by candidates, political committees, referendumcommittees, legal expense funds, individuals or persons to the proper districtattorney as provided in G.S. 163‑278.27.
(9) To prescribe andfurnish forms of statements and other material to the county boards ofelections for distribution to candidates and committees required to be filedwith the county boards.
(10) To instruct thechairman and director of elections of each county board as to their respectiveduties and responsibilities relative to the administration of this Article.
(11) To requireappropriate certification of delinquent or late filings from the county boardsof elections and to execute the same responsibilities relative to such reportsas provided in G.S. 163‑278.27.
(12) To assist county boardsof elections in resolving questions arising from the administration of thisArticle.
(13) To require countyboards of elections to hold such hearings, make such investigations, and makereports to the State Board as the State Board deems necessary in theadministration of this Article.
(14) To calculate, assess,and collect civil penalties pursuant to this Article. (1973, c. 1272, s. 1; 1975,c. 798, s. 8; 1977, c. 626, s. 1; 1979, c. 500, ss. 9, 12, 13; c. 1073, s. 18;1995, c. 243, s. 1; 1997‑515, s. 7(e); 2002‑159, s. 35(n); 2007‑349,ss. 2, 3.)