§ 163-182. Definitions.
Article 15A.
Counting Official Ballots, Canvassing Votes, HearingProtests, and Certifying Results.
§ 163‑182. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions stated below, the definitions set forthin Article 13A of Chapter 163 of the General Statutes also apply to thisArticle. As used in this Article, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Abstract" means a document signed by the membersof the board of elections showing the votes for each candidate and ballotproposal on the official ballot in the election. The abstract shall show atotal number of votes for each candidate in each precinct and a total for eachcandidate in the county. It shall also show the number of votes for eachcandidate among the absentee official ballots, among the provisional officialballots, and in any other category of official ballots that is not otherwisereported.
(2) "Certificate of election" means a documentprepared by the official or body with the legal authority to do so, conferringupon a candidate the right to assume an elective office as a result of beingelected to it.
(3) "Composite abstract" means a document signed bythe members of the State Board of Elections showing the total number of votesfor each candidate and ballot proposal and the number of votes in each county.A composite abstract does not include precinct returns.
(4) "Protest" means a complaint concerning the conductof an election which, if supported by sufficient evidence, may require remedyby one or more of the following:
a. A correction in the returns.
b. A discretionary recount as provided in G.S. 163‑182.7.
c. A new election as provided in G.S. 163‑182.13. (2001‑398, s. 3.)