§ 163-132.1B. Participation in 2010 Census Redistricting Data Program of the United States Bureau of the Census.
§ 163‑132.1B. Participation in 2010 Census Redistricting Data Program of the United StatesBureau of the Census.
(a) Purpose. TheState of North Carolina shall participate in the 2010 Census Redistricting DataProgram, conducted pursuant to P.L. 94‑171, of the United States Bureauof the Census, so that the State will receive 2010 Census data by votingprecinct and be able to revise districts at all levels without splittingprecincts and in compliance with the United States and North Carolina Constitutionsand the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended.
(a1) Reporting of VotingTabulation Districts. The Executive Director of the State Board of Electionsshall report to the Bureau of the Census as this State's voting tabulationdistricts the voting precincts as of January 1, 2008. In reporting theprecincts, the Executive Director may make to the precincts the minimum ofadjustments necessary to assure accurate election administration and theconsistent reporting of election results from the precincts as they existed onJanuary 1, 2008. Before making that report, the Executive Director shallconsult with the Legislative Services Office concerning the accuracy of thevoting precincts to be reported. The Legislative Services Office shall submitto the Executive Director its opinion as to whether the description of theprecincts to be reported to the Bureau of the Census is accurate. The ExecutiveDirector shall submit the report to the Bureau of the Census in time to complywith the deadlines of that Bureau for the 2010 Census Redistricting DataProgram. The Executive Director, with the assistance of the county boards ofelections, shall participate in the Census Bureau's verification program andnotify the Census Bureau of any errors in the entry of the voting tabulationdistricts in time for the Census Bureau to correct those errors.
(a2) Reporting FromUnchanged Voting Tabulation Districts. After January 1, 2008, every countyboard of elections shall report all election returns by voting tabulationdistricts as required by G.S. 163‑132.5G. For purposes of this sectionand G.S. 163‑132.5G, "voting tabulation districts" shall be theprecincts as of January 1, 2008, as modified by the Executive Director of theState Board of Elections in reports to the Census Bureau in accordance withsubsection (a1) of this section. No county board of elections may alter thevoting tabulation districts. The county board of elections may change theboundaries of the county's precincts so that those precincts differ from the county'svoting tabulation districts, but only to the extent permitted by G.S. 163‑132.3.
(b) Additional Rules. In addition to directives promulgated by the Executive Director of the StateBoard of Elections under G.S. 163‑132.4, the Legislative Services Commissionmay promulgate rules to implement this section. (2006‑264, s. 75.5(b);2007‑391, s. 6(a); 2008‑187, s. 33(b); 2009‑541, s. 17.)