§ 160B-17. Organizational meeting; preparation of budget.
Part 2. Assumption of Obligations and Debt.
§ 160B‑17. Organizational meeting; preparationof budget.
The governing board of a consolidated city‑county shall have itsfirst organizational meeting as provided in the charter or applicable localacts of the General Assembly, but not later than the first business dayfollowing the effective date of the consolidation. Unless otherwise providedin the charter or applicable local acts, the organizational meeting shall beheld at 12:00 noon at the regular meeting place of the previous board of countycommissioners. Prior to the effective date of consolidation, any interimgoverning board designated or appointed in the charter or applicable local actsmay meet to discuss business and take action as appropriate, includingpreparation of a proposed budget for the next ensuing fiscal year. Inaddition, any such interim governing board may take any action which isspecifically authorized by this Chapter to be taken by an interim governingboard. Meetings of any interim governing board during this period are subjectto all applicable notice and meeting procedures required by general law. (1995, c. 461, s. 4.)