§ 160A-77. Code of ordinances.
§ 160A‑77. Code ofordinances.
(a) Not later than July 1, 1974, each city having a populationof 5,000 or more shall adopt and issue a code of its ordinances. The code maybe reproduced by any method that gives legible and permanent copies, and may beissued as a securely bound book or books with periodic separately boundsupplements, or as a loose‑leaf book maintained by replacement pages.Supplements or replacement pages should be adopted and issued annually atleast, unless no additions to or modifications of the code have been adopted bythe council during the year. The code may consist of two separate parts, the"General Ordinances" and the "Technical Ordinances." Thetechnical ordinances may be published as separate books or pamphlets, and mayinclude ordinances regarding the construction of buildings, the installation ofplumbing and electric wiring, the installation of cooling and heatingequipment, the use of public utilities, buildings, or facilities operated bythe city, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision control ordinance, theprivilege license tax ordinance, and other similar technical ordinancesdesignated as such by the council. The council may omit from the codedesignated classes of ordinances of limited interest or transitory nature, but thecode should clearly describe the classes of ordinances omitted therefrom.
(b) The council may provide that one or more of the followingclasses of ordinances shall be codified by appropriate entries upon officialmap books to be retained permanently in the office of the city clerk or someother city office generally accessible to the public:
(1) Establishing or amending the boundaries of zoning districts;
(2) Designating the location of traffic control devices;
(3) Designating areas or zones where regulations are applied toparking, loading, bus stops, or taxicab stands;
(4) Establishing speed limits;
(4a) Restricting or regulating traffic at certain times on certainstreets, or to certain types, weights or sizes of vehicles;
(5) Designating the location of through streets, stopintersections, yield‑right‑of‑way intersections, waitinglanes, one‑way streets, or truck traffic routes; and
(6) Establishing regulations upon vehicle turns at designatedlocations.
(b1) The council may provide that the classes of ordinancesdescribed in paragraphs (2) through (6) of subsection (b) above, and ordinancesestablishing rates for utility or other public enterprise services, orordinances establishing fees of any nature, shall be codified by entry uponofficial lists or schedules of the regulations established by such ordinances,or schedules of such rates or fees, to be maintained in the office of the cityclerk.
(c) It is the intent of this section to make uniform the lawconcerning the adoption of city codes. To this end, all charter provisions inconflict with this section in effect as of January 1, 1972, are expresslyrepealed, except to the extent that the charter makes adoption of a codemandatory, and no local act taking effect on or after January 1, 1972, shall beconstrued to repeal or amend this section in whole or in part unless it shallexpressly so provide by specific reference. (1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1247, ss. 8, 9.)