§ 160A-400.50. Purpose and compliance with federal law.
Part 3E. WirelessTelecommunications Facilities.
§ 160A‑400.50. Purposeand compliance with federal law.
(a) The purpose of thissection is to ensure the safe and efficient integration of facilities necessaryfor the provision of advanced wireless telecommunications services throughoutthe community and to ensure the ready availability of reliable wireless serviceto the public, government agencies, and first responders, with the intention offurthering the public safety and general welfare. The following standards shallapply to a city's actions, as a regulatory body, in the regulation of theplacement, construction, or modification of a wireless communications facility.
(b) The placement,construction, or modification of wireless communications facilities shall be inconformity with the Federal Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 332 as amended, andin accordance with the rules promulgated by the Federal CommunicationsCommission. (2007‑526,s. 1.)