§ 160A-383.1. Zoning regulations for manufactured homes.
§ 160A‑383.1. Zoning regulations for manufactured homes.
(a) The General Assembly finds and declares that manufacturedhousing offers affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate incomeresidents of this State who could not otherwise afford to own their own home. The General Assembly further finds that some local governments have adoptedzoning regulations which severely restrict the placement of manufacturedhomes. It is the intent of the General Assembly in enacting this section thatcities reexamine their land use practices to assure compliance with applicablestatutes and case law, and consider allocating more residential land area formanufactured homes based upon local housing needs.
(b) For purposes of this section, the term "manufactured home"is defined as provided in G.S. 143‑145(7).
(c) A city may not adopt or enforce zoning regulations or otherprovisions which have the effect of excluding manufactured homes from theentire zoning jurisdiction.
(d) A city may adopt and enforce appearance and dimensionalcriteria for manufactured homes. Such criteria shall be designed to protectproperty values, to preserve the character and integrity of the community orindividual neighborhoods within the community, and to promote the health,safety and welfare of area residents. The criteria shall be adopted byordinance.
(e) In accordance with the city's comprehensive plan and basedon local housing needs, a city may designate a manufactured home overlaydistrict within a residential district. Such overlay district may not consistof an individual lot or scattered lots, but shall consist of a defined areawithin which additional requirements or standards are placed upon manufacturedhomes.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to preempt or supersedevalid restrictive covenants running with the land. The terms "mobilehome" and "trailer" in any valid restrictive covenants runningwith the land shall include the term "manufactured home" as definedin this section. (1987, c. 805, s.1.)